This exclusive
kit contains
everything you
need to make our
charming 100%
felted wool Old
Tyme Sheep Rug.
This rug is
perfectly sized
for in front of
a kitchen sink
or an heirloom
rocking chair.
Includes: Hand
drawn design on
burlap, 100%
felted wool,
easy to follow
directions, two
crochet hooks,
needle, marker,
and scissors.
Finished size is
20" x 30".
Our Old Tyme
Sheep Rug takes
you back to days
when common folk
made their own
furnishings from
whatever they
could find. In
this case,
Mother, or even
young girls may
have taken an
old burlap feed
sack down to the
creek for a good
washing before
drawing a simple
design inspired
by beautiful
scenes right on
their land. With
woolen strips
from old
clothing and a
simple crochet
hook, she’d go
to work.
She would think
about her hand
work throughout
the long tiring
day, looking
forward to
adding a playful
touch here and
there, or
finishing the
face of the
sheep, or adding
another stem to
flower. Then,
after evening
chores she’d do
a new line or
two, as the
family sat
around sharing
the day’s
events, and
planning for
Too soon, it
seemed, her hand
worked rug was
finished. Only
sewing back the
burlap edges was
left. Two more
Then it would
belong to